Day 12: Post your favorite movies that you never get tired of watching.

That's an actually a good question. I have a few, and I probably have more but can't think of any more than what I have right now in my head.

First movie that came up in my head is Chocolat. The movie is very different from the book (one of books I am currently reading), but I like the cinematography of the movie. 

- Stars Wars series, currently watching them again in preparation for seventh movie this December!!

- Harry Potter series, my little pick-me up movies

- Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, my other pick-me up movie

- Any movies directed by Baz Luhrmann, even though there are some movies I haven't seen like Australia. I love how he set a theme and style of storytelling for each movie.

-Hero (with Jet Li), I like how the story is being told.

- Dance with Wolves (with Kevin Costner)

- The Quest (a Van Damme movie)

What are your movies that you'll never get tired of watching?