Day 20: What three lessons do you want your children to learn from me.

1. Always rediscover yourself.

- When children grow up, they forgot themselves and tried too hard to fit in the society. They will end up unhappy with themselves and struggle with discovering themselves. You are always changing, what you were four years ago are not the same person who you are now. People forget that and, sometime too late, they realized that what they are doing and what they are aiming for are not the same thing they wanted a few years ago. I want you to know it is OK to realize that you have changed from who you were and I want you to keep learning more about themselves as you grow up.  

2. It is OK to cry when you fall down, but always keep your head up when you get up.

- It is OK to cry, it is OK to have a breakdown when everything is too hard. Everybody needs a good cry. But don't let that get you down. Have a good cry and let all it go. When you're done, and when you look up from the ground, you will feel refreshed because there is always more positive things to look forward. Sometime it doesn't look like there is anything positive down the path, just keep your head up and work down the path. You know, when you keep your head up; your posture improves and your body feels better.

3.  Always find fun in everything you do.

- Make your math homework fun, make your chores fun, make your play time fun, and then you will always have fun. In the future, there are things that we will want to avoid and grumble about it but if we can find a fun in it - it seems less bleak. If you can make an everyday thing fun, you will keep your child-like wonder in everything. It makes things easier.